Smile Advise, dental surgeries

Who are you going to
smile tomorrow?

For all your questions about your smile and the alignment of your teeth for children and adults :

Relevant and personalized advice from orthodontic specialists:Orthodontic advice, impartial advice provided by SPECIALISTS in ORTHODONTICS.

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Ask for an orthodontic opinion

This site is for adult patients, parents of child patients as well as dentists who would like an accurate, informed opinion from specialised ORTHODONTISTS.
Smile advise is about giving opinions quickly and reassuring parents and children.

You do not know where to start ?

Ask your question and fill in the form by uploading your photos. We may ask you for a panoramic X-ray.
It's easy! Take a photo of the panoramic X-ray or, if you already have a digital copy, upload the file directly!

icone d'un diplôme d'orthodontiste

Orthodontic specialists with more than 15 years of experience

Our team of experts and specialists is a graduate of French institutes.

icone avec une dent et un ordinateur

Anonymous question and insured medical secret

Thanks to our Internet portal, be without fear of your exchanges and questions.

smiley qui sourit avec des dents blanches

24h answer

Our professionals will answer you as soon as possible.

icone avec un bouclier et une molaire

Independent advice from Orthodontic specialists

A diagnosis will be made and a treatment plan can be developed.

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Why choose Smile Advise?

Having to wait for an appointment can worry and stress patients and patients' parents.
Getting a quick answer can immediately reassure them.

In France, the average care time for a specialist is
This is the average (in hours) of time saved by our customers
Send your question to a specialist on Smile Advise will only cost you ...